Chapter 4 - August 19th, 2023


Name  Father Issac
Name  Krowvid
Name  Kyra Ironpride
Name  Nezha
Name  Nihal Arneb
Name  Sath (Played by Charlie and Alyssa)
Name  Zehari

Out this session is Binkley, Jeff, and Torrwyn who will be written out of the campaign when opportunity arises due to PCS and conflicting obligations. Also missing was Sath and Zyrath as one player was out of town and the other is on paternity leave with a new baby.

Session Overview

The players explore various portions of Ank'Harel while waiting for instructions from the different factions

 Session Notes

The session begins with the players in the Suncut Bazaar district of Ank'Harel.  Zehari and Krowvid are inside the [[Bone Garden]] while the other players are waiting outside.

Father Issac, followed by Nezha, go off to visit [[Mystic Pursuits]] in search of candles and Incense. When they enter, the storekeep, a tiefling named Amkezne offers to read their fortune.  Both pass on this offer.  Father Issac instead purchases 6 beeswax candles and 6 sticks of lavender infused incense.  Don Leon and Zehari soon follow, with Don Leon taking Amkezne up on the offer to have his future read.  After flipping a few cards and looking over them extensively, Amkezne's first prediction is that she sees furballs and ball licking in Don Leon's future.  Immediately weary of the fortune teller's skills and Don Leon's safety, Zehari begins to hover over Don Leon in a protective stance.  The fortune teller than says that she sees a dark shadow covering Don Leon (in reference to Zehari) and that she has several jewelry items that can protect him.  She then tells Don Leon that the reading will cost 20gp and that she can offer him a gold circlet of protection for 25gp.  Don Leon says he will not pay 20gp for a bogus reading.  Don Leon rolls for an intimidation check (which he passes) at which he his picked up by Amkezne's invisible helper (an invisible stalker) and is tossed out into the streets rather than having to fight against the stalker.  The rest of the party is told to leave, but Zehari mentions interest in the various trinkets that the woman has in her shop.  She is told that she has the circlets of protection for 25gp, a gem-studded gold ring of invisibility for 250gp, and a jewel-encrusted tiara of waterbreathing for 750gp.  Zehari uses her ability to detect magic on the items and finds that all of them are worthless junk with absolutely no magical properties at all, but does detect that there is an invisible stalker in the room.  The party leaves and joins Don Leon in the streets.  Zehari accosts a guard that she meets and asks if there are laws against merchants advertising items as magic when indeed they are not.  She is told that the guards tend to look the other way in regards to items being sold (as they cannot verify each and every item).  Zehari then tells the guard that her friend was assaulted when they confronted the vendor for being a fraud and if assault is allowed in the city.  The guard tells her that they will look into it.

While the group was in Mystic Pursuits, Nihal, Sath, and Krovid head over to the [[First Eclipse]] tavern. The place is somewhat empty at the time, only consisting of a couple sitting at a barrel table enjoying wine and the blue dragonborrn barkeep.  They approach the bar and order drinks with Nihal ordering a red ale for him, Sath and Krovid.  After enjoying their drinks, they join the rest of the party.  

Once they are together, they decide to head back to the tavern.  This time, Nihal asks for the best stout for him and Sath, Krovid orders an ale, Don Leon asks for a brown ale that matches his fur, to which the barkeep pours a blonde ale and tells Don Leon (after noticing Don's wooden eye) that he needs to get his eyes checked as his fur is white.  Kyra asks for a shot of whiskey, which the barkeep delivers telling her its called Dragon Piss and is the best there is.  The barkeep makes a comment about Nihal's manhood, to which Nihal makes a comment about the barkeeps.  The Barkeep asks if Nihal would like to see his "Lightning Rod".. Nihal passes.  After a few drinks, the party decides they will check out the casino, Luck's Run.

At Luck's Run, they spend a bit of time observing the three games offered.  The party is immediately drawn to the game Quon a Drensa,  which involves placing bets on racing lizards.  This game has a minimum bet of 10gp.  Kyra, Nezha, Zehari and Nihal place their bets. Nihal's lizard comes in first winning him 20gp while Kyra's lizard comes in 2nd giving her 5gp of her original bet back.   (Dm was too drunk at this point to write notes for the rest of the gambling outcomes).  They also discover that drinks are on the house for those participating in games, so they take advantage of the free Dragon Piss

They move on to the next game, Avandra's Favor, a dice game that has a 25gp minimum bet.  They play several rounds of this game, with each player earning a fair amount of gold for their pockets.

The players decide to play two hands of the Gambit of Ord, the card game offering and earn a decent amount of gold at this game as well (again, DM was too drunk to remember to take good notes of the outcome.. sorry guys!!)

Before leaving, they play one more round of Quon a Drensa.  They inquire about buying one of the lizards but are told that the lizards are not for sale.  When they say that everything is for sale at the right price, they are again told that the lizards are not for sale.

With money burning a hole in their pockets, Nihal decides he will treat the party to stay at the best lodging in the city.  They find the Lap of the Gods resort in the Sand-Herald District for 10gp per night (DM should have charged alot more but again, alcohol!!) where they enjoy a nice meal, free mini bar and a comfortable bed.  Everyone has their own room.

The next morning, Nihal awakens to find that a note has been shoved under his door.  It reads:

Allegiance hopefuls,

We need you to pick up and deliver a marble figurine of an elephant that was stolen from us. We have located it at a curio shop called the Bone Garden in the Suncut Bazaar and arranged for the proprietor, Rerosha, to hand over the merchandise without a fuss. Simply bring the figurine to Gatekeeper Raashid at the Crystal Chateau, and your task is complete.

Welcome in advance to the team!  
—Professor Lymmle Wist, Allegiance of Allsight

After the fog from the night before clears, Nihal remembers that this was probably the contact that Alakritos, the man that they met through Prolix, spoke about.  Nihal meets with the other members of the party in the lobby and they decide to complete the task.

They head over to the Bone Garden, although they first take a pit stop at one of the market stalls when Nezha sees a vendor that is selling studded leather armor.  He asks the price and is told it is 50gp, which he purchases without haggling.  Upon entering the Bone Garden, they speak with Rerosha and tell her that they are there to pick up a figurine for the Allegiance of Allsight.  While Rerosha doesn't speak, they end up speaking to Akil, the grey parrot instead.  They are given the elephant figuring which Zehari puts inside her bra for safe keeping.

As they begin their way down the streets of Ank'Harel heading towards the Sigil district to deliver the figuring, Zehari feels something strange between her breasts.. Suddenly the figuring begins to grow, ripping her bra apart and exposing her breasts. The figuring grows and transforms into a red crystalline version of the creature.  (Unbeknownst to the players or the Allegiance of Allsight, the figuring was infected with ruidium during its time in Cael Morrow, and that substance has warped its magical properties).  Zehari takes points of forced damage and is knocked prone by the elephant.  The elephant tries to stomp her but misses.  The players engage in combat, with Sath using wildshape to transform into a mouse in the hopes of scaring the elephant but the elephant cannot be frightened.  After a battle, they defeat the elephant and it transforms back into a figuring.  Afraid that the figuring might again transform into full size, they tie a string around it and drag it behind them to the Sigil district.

Upon arrival at the Crystal Chateau, they ask to meet with Jor Raashid. A condescending halfling, the players aren't too amused with his nonchalant attitude in regards to the hazards of the mission and the lack of informing them that the figuring could transform.  Raashid tells them that the Allegiance was unaware of this being a possibility.  Zehari is not happy with this answer, saying that not only was she highly embarrassed by having her breasts exposed for all to see, but her top cost 2sp and she would like to to be reimbursed.  Raashid tosses her 1gp. He then asks the party where they will be staying that night as they will be contacted in the for the next mission. Not happy about hearing there will be a next mission, the party grumbles but agrees to continue.. Nihal asks where Raashid might suggest decent lodging as he does not want to return to the Lap of the Gods. Raashid tells them that he would suggest either Step Aside in the Circlet Walk or The Harried Mongoose in the River District. Nihal tells him that they will proceed to the Harried Mongoose and will be able to be contacted there.

The party makes their way to the River District and inquires about Lodging at the Harried Mongoose . They are told there are only 4 rooms available with double beds so the party agrees to double up.  They decide to visit the Steam Gardens where they spend 1 hour (costing them 5gp each) enjoying the magical hot steam bubble jets before retiring to their room for the night.

Session ended here.


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